Scannable Plastic Membership Cards
Using barcodes on plastic membership cards helps you analyse visitor numbers. Providing them with plastic cards also reduces fraudulent use.
Many visitor attractions now offer annual memberships to help encourage repeat visits, whilst providing customers with value for money. If you issue plastic membership cards, visitors are not only receiving a durable product, but you have the ability to effectively track their usage.
Keeping Track of your Numbers
Whether you offer free or discounted membership with the purchase of an annual card, you will want to know who is using your facilities and when. By supplying them with plastic membership cards you have the ability to do so. The plastic cards can be encoded with relevant information, such as the member’s name, size of the party and expiry date. This is then read electronically as they enter your site and subsequently recorded. You can then see how many people visited on specific days, how often different members visited and, if you have more than one site, which locations they are visiting most frequently. This information can be used by marketing and sales teams to help increase visitor numbers.
Personalising your Marketing
If you know when members are visiting, you can then start to tailor your marketing approach to them. For instance, if you operate across a wide area you could suggest different sites to visit based upon their previous trips. There is also the opportunity to create a campaign for lapsed members or perhaps those who have simply forgotten that they have a card. This offers the customer a more personalised experience and shows that you understand their needs. As a result, they are likely to be far more receptive to any information you may send to them.
Stopping Fraudulent Use
By issuing plastic membership cards, you can limit the entry of non-members who are trying to avoid paying. They can act as plastic ID cards, so that you can easily verify the identity of any visitor. The cards can be personalised with a photo if required, as well as encoded with information about the member. This will allow your staff to accurately and effectively regulate entry to your sites.
We can print personalised plastic membership cards that are unique to your business. Whatever your requirements, why not speak with one of our team who can provide you with further information and advice?